Weekend CSA shares begin in June and are available for pickup at the Vancouver Farmers Market only.
Weekend [22 week] CSA Rates:
Large shares: $1100
Small shares: $660
Weekend CSA Pickup Locations:
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Add-on Options [Applicable to all CSA Shares]:
Add-on options this year include focaccia bread from Klippers Marketplace & Cafe as well as sourdough bread from Row Fourteen. Find pricing for these add-ons on the CSA pages on our online store.
A note on eggs:
As our chickens are not laying eggs as consistently anymore, we are not offering an egg share at this time. With this being said, eggs will still be available at the farmers market when available. Thank you for understanding.
Midweek CSA shares begin in July and are available for pickup at various pickup locations.
Weekend [18 week] CSA Rates:
Large shares: $900
Small shares: $540
Weekday CSA Pickup Locations:
*this location is pending based on interest
A 22 week share option is also available for pickup at Klippers Marketplace & Cafe
*All summer CSA shares are based on $50/week of product [we always give more than this]
Our CSA Giveaway Program has a new name!
Last year, we set out to sponsor/fund ONE local single-parent family, however, thanks to the support of our local community, we were able to fund a total of thirteen single-parent families as well as one local soup kitchen between June and October of 2022. We called this program our "Single-Parent Community Supported Agriculture Giveaway Initiative." Based on the massive success of this program last year, we have decided to continue on with this program in 2023. This time, with a new (...& much easier to remember) name, "Farmer's Supporting Families".
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Nominations for this program are now open and can be submitted to klippersorg@gmail.com. In your nomination, please include a short writeup outlining the need of the individual/family you are nominating.
Sponsorships can be made here.
Be sure to watch our social pages for more information on fundraising efforts toward this program.
New paragraph
Row Fourteen Restaurant
Klippers Guest Suites
Klippers Marketplace & Cafe
Untangled Craft Cidery
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